Monday, December 20, 2021

Camino de Santiago 15 Melide to Aruza... Casa de Corredoiras

Camino de Santiago 15 Melide to Aruza... Casa de Corredoiras

Original post here: Camino de Santiago 15 Melide to Aruza... Casa de Corredoiras   

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

CdS = Camino de Santiago journey            

Thursday September 19, 2019         

Camino 15 Melide to Aruza... Casa de Correodoiras... 8.6mi hike today

Leave out of Melide early morning. Still some early fog, sun trying to burn through.

Palm trees in Melide? Seems odd but I have seen a couple of orange trees too.

Out from urban Melide.

52+ Km to Santiago. We're closing.

Back into woodlands Camino trail.

And there are horse rides on the Camino. And many days is smells rank.

Woodland trail for a while.
Peaceful, solitude hiking

Most farms have a corn crib to dry the corn harvest. Dried corn feeds the chickens for most of the year.

Near Arriba ducked into this Iglesias to say a prayer & stamp the Camino Passport.

Crossed paths with the Canadian sisters again.

More eucalyptus tree groves. Picked some more leaves to crinkle up on the bedside table... breath better sleeping.

The closer we get to Santiago there are more street "artists" playing/ selling their wares for a donation.
As UK Dave taught me... A real friend is a friend who has a bagpipe,... but doesn't play it.
They don't call them starving artists for nothing.

Lunch,... salad today.

Rest stop entering Aruza. The Canadian sisters are right ahead of us and we stop also and talk a few minutes and compare notes. These are some really neat sisters to hike the Camino together. These were some really tough ladies. I don't mean like cage fight tough. They hiked together and kept a good pace on the Camino. We crossed their path several times and always were glad to see them. I can't remember all their names but I thin they were from Nova Scotia. OH Canada! They are some of your best people!

Entering Aruza a streetside cafe had a big paella on display. considered stopping to eat but were still full from the salad. late in the day so let's go on and get to destination.

Wait here for shuttle pick up. Another lodging booking 8Km out of town.

A short 15 min ride and we're there. A really nice, family run lodging/ hotel/ casa.

I recommend without hesitation. This place was good to rest after almost 9 mile hike.

Beautiful grape arbor we sat under and talked with other guests/ pilgrims produces many liters of wine each year.

Delivered baggage in the lobby.

Garden in the back yard... the tomatoes in tonights salad were fresh picked... like 1 hour before they were served and tasted great!

Family patriarch Jose/ Joe was a real gentleman. A hard worker, this farm had been in the family ... I'm guessing as I remember faintly... some 150+ years. The original family homestead was adjacent next door and some of the guests stayed there as overflow booking. This was a very comfortable, friendly place to rest on the Camino.

Another corn crib.

We picked apples right off the tree and ate fresh.

1st meeting of Camino friends Dave and Sue from England/ UKwho became great Camino friends on the last few days hiking to Santiago. More posts on Dave and Sue ahead.

Light rain moved us from under the grape arbor to the covered porch.

Damion & farm dogs.

Dining room was really good. You felt comfortable here.

Most everything we ate came from this farm- vegetables- or nearby local butchers. This was real authentic Spanish food!

Carmin sliced lemons from their tree out back for some of the guests/ pilgrims gin & tonics; talk about a friendly place.

After a really good dinner that Carmin cooked we talked some with Dave and sue before crashing for the night. Good food, Hot showers, restful sleep. A good day!

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved