Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Lake Louise 1, Alberta

Lake Louise 1, Alberta

Original post: Lake Louise 1, Alberta   

Lake Louise 1, Alberta
Tracks of the StoneBear  BNF = Banff, BC  journey

British Columbia & Alberta, Canada

Friday August 22, 2014  BNF 7 

Lake Louise, Alberta CANADA!!!!  

Please .... Louise!!!  GEEEEEZ LOUISE!!!!

Lake Louise has been on the wish list to see over 40 years. It was worth the wait to get here. 

Parking lots FULL. go to upper lot and walk further. A lot of people here. Through the trees, trails down to the lake on the Southeast side of the lake. Cool, chili,... and then the lake.

Light green hue of the lake. Approx 2 square miles... 1,000 acres+? It's a greenish whitish color water. Mountains surround the lake like a bowl. The world famous Fairmont hotel is on the Northeast bank,... prominent and grand looking. about a 5 story building.

The air is cool, crisp. many people here to see the spectacle.  Canoe and boat rentals. $57 per hour, pass. About 20 on the lake.

This is a really pristine place... but it is overrrun by tourists. Any semblance of peacefulness has been compromised by the sheer number of people. tourists.  I know people want to see this... but it's a zoo here. Way too many people to enjoy here.

At this stage of life me and T-bird really do stop and wade in the streams and rivers... Lakes too... to feel the water and connect with the place.

Take my reboks off and wade out into Lake Louise mid calf deep. 20 seconds and it's TAKE THE PICTURE NOW!!!! Take the picture now as I have to get out of this water... NOW.

Lake Louise has to be minus freezing... there is no ice on the lake, but trust me,... it is 32.00000001 degrees. It feels like below freezing. It's frigid. It's so cold that I know that more than 20+ seconds calf deep and I;m about to go into hypothermia shock. My feet are still cold!

Geez Louise!  Please Louise... my god is this cold. 20 seconds... Take the picture!!! and out within 30 seconds is all you can take. Any more and you might go into shock.

Pink feet & put my socks and shoes on.

 Walk back around the boardwalk to The Fairmont. What a grand place! Majestic building with the many flags of countries flowing above the entrance. Sharpley dressed Valets in front for guests. Very impresive.

Walk through the lobby... very grand. Back to the dining room... this is the most impressive part of the Lake Louise experience.  The round oval windows of the dining room overlooking beutiful Lake Louise... white tablecloths... I should have stopped and had a coffee, or OJ in that beautiful view. It was too busy. walked back outside for the view ot the mountains surrounding the lake. Absolutely one of life's most majestic views!

Back around the boardwalk of the lake... too many people for me... back to the parking lot... let's head out to Lake Moraine. 

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

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