Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Alma, New Brunswick Canada


Alma, New Brunswick Canada

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

MARNE = Canadian Maritimes journey 

Original post :Alma, New Brunswick Highest tides in The World

Alma, New Brunswick Canada 155


Thursday July 7, 2011 Alma, New Brunswick Canada

Bay of Fundy

The highest tides in the WORLD!

I thought... no this is just the highest tide on the East coast. Or the highest tide in New Brunswick. or North America. Turns out... some ~ 40' ... it is THE highest... and lowest tidal draft IN THE WORLD! Right here.

The fishing boats in the harbor --- a working harbor--- real fishing boats of the local guys... NOT pleasure boats. .... were propped on 3' hull props/ boxes... to keep them out of the mud basin of the harbor. Fantastic!!!!!

Last eve , after securing a site a Chignecto camp - Fundy Nat Park- drove down to Alma, NB on the coast-- 5-6 mi. to see what was there.

Picturesque working fishing harbor on the Bay of Fundy. Fishing boats, NOT pleasure boats in the harbor. Real fishermen! Hard working guys that live by the tides; the tides define their lives.... when they work.... when they go out. Lobster pots,... nets for mackerel, or bluefish ect... they're the real fishermen & it's NOT an easy life

It was high tide and didn't think too much about the sign saying highest tides. Harbor looked like most others w/ boats at anchor by the pier. looked around small town... Lobster is cheap here; $7/ lb.

Then, next morning, leaving Chignecto camp, Fundy Nat park, coming off of the Caledonia Highlands Plateau. It drops around 3,200' down to Alma, NB at sea level ; pretty big/ significant geologic / geographic change in 5 miles.

Half way down can see a fog bank moving in off the Bay. Get down to Alma and WHOAAA,... fog bank, visability 100 yards, temperature drop of 20*... and then see it.... and at 1st not sure I'm in the same town. ?This can't be the same place?

This was blue ocean, skies yesterday, fishing boats at the docks preparing to go back to sea to fish. The tide is out and it's just an ugly mud basin. All the boats are propped on 3-4' pads to keep them out of the mud.

The tide has gone out 30 to 40 feet! Now I see it IS the highest tidal draft in the world; on the earth. WOW! Now head out to Nova Scotia & points north.

Did not plan to be here so this is a real gift to see this.


Thursday July 7, 2011

Alma, New Brunswick Canada

Bay of Fundy The highest tides in the WORLD!

I thought... no this is just the highest tide on the East coast. Or the highest tide in New Brunswick. or North America.

Turns out... some ~ 40' ... it is THE highest... and lowest tidal draft IN THE WORLD! Right here.

The fishing boats in the harbor --- a working harbor--- real fishing boats of the local guys... NOT pleasure boats. .... were propped on 3' hull props/ boxes... to keep them out of the mud basin of the harbor. Fantastic!!!!!

Last eve , after securing a site a Chignecto camp - Fundy Nat Park- drove down to Alma, NB on the coast-- 5-6 mi. to see what was there.

Picturesque working fishing harbor on the Bay of Fundy. Fishing boats, NOT pleasure boats in the harbor. Real fishermen! Hard working guys that live by the tides; the tides define their lives.... when they work.... when they go out. Lobster pots,... nets for mackerel, or bluefish ect... they're the real fishermen & it's NOT an easy life

It was high tide and didn't think too much about the sign saying highest tides. Harbor looked like most others w/ boats at anchor by the pier. looked around small town... Lobster is cheap here; $7/ lb.

Then, next morning, leaving Chignecto camp, Fundy Nat park, coming off of the Caledonia Highlands Plateau. It drops around 3,200' down to Alma, NB at sea level ; pretty big/ significant geologic / geographic change in 5 miles.

Half way down can see a fog bank moving in off the Bay.

Get down to Alma and WHOAAA,... fog bank, visability 100 yards, temperature drop of 20*... and then see it.... and at 1st not sure I'm in the same town. ?This can't be the same place? This was blue ocean, skies yesterday, fishing boats at the docks preparing to go back to sea to fish. The tide is out and it's just an ugly mud basin. All the boats are propped on 3-4' pads to keep them out of the mud.

The tide has gone out 30 to 40 feet! Now I see it IS the highest tidal draft in the world; on the earth. WOW! Now head out to Nova Scotia and points north.

Did not plan to be here so this is a real gift to see this.

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved