Monday, December 11, 2023

Croagh Patrick 3 begin Ascent it's go time


Croagh Patrick 3 begin Ascent it's go time

Original post: Croagh Patrick 3 begin Ascent it's go time   

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Croagh Patrick 3 begin Ascent it's go time

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of Fire Odyssey  

MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus 

Eire= Ireland journey       

Sunday April 28, 2019         

It's go time!  Croagh Patrick.  Begin ascent.

There's never been such a thing as a "Bucket List" on this life journey. There are always interesting things in every place along the road if you will just look past the chamber of commerce & tourists brochures. Getting near the end of this Ireland journey, near the end of this life journey; no, I'm not sick. I still have the heart of a 21 year old US Marine platoon Sgt but this frame has been rode hard for a lifetime. 

To drive into north Ireland, NOT Northern Ireland of  Londonderry and Belfast... that will have to be another journey, and come to the town of Murrisk. The commanding, towering peak is Croagh Patrick; Mt Patrick. The mountain St Patrick climbed, spent 40 days on- meditating- praying-, then came down and drove the pagans out of Ireland.

So, once in a lifetime I get to Ireland and for 2 weeks have walked on historical ground where Irish have fought and spilled their blood in revolution, within their own churches & religions, through famines, through raid by the Vikings, by invasions by the Norse, revolted against English rule... and won. So I cannot go past this without climbing Croagh Patrick. 

Legend says he drove the snakes out of Ireland, snakes meaning pagans, and made Ireland Christian forever/ since. 

This IS the path. There IS NO path. It's just wallowed out eroded craggy rocks.

I'm up for this. Not to discourage anyone considering this but this hump is not for the faint of heart. The trail up, is not a trail. The whole way up is on loose, shifting rock. From marble size to basketball size, jagged, wobbly, unstable, ... every step has to strategically be decided on and foot placed for stability. This is NOT a leisurely ditty-bop up the mountain. Bring your "A" game. This was as challenging and exhausting as anything called on since the Marine Corps.

This is about a 20 to 25% incline for the bottom 1/4. At times a rest stop every couple hundred yards.

Our pack is a "day" pack. A light waterproof windbreaker if rains, a couple of samiches, 4 pints of water, a couple apples,... enough for T-bird and me to replenish/ refresh/ recharge on the climb up. Total weight ~9+ lbs~. 

In places this was so steep that when leaning forward, the whole body almost tipped backward and you had to lean more, push more with legs.
The "saddle", about 1/3 way up was the most leveled out part,... and it had an incline.

The steepness required many rest stops. Some for 1 min to let the heartbeat lower to a safe level. A couple of power bars on some stops.

Rock messages in the saddle.

?Who has energy to do this?

An attempt of a bathroom. not working.

This is a 20 to 25% incline & we're going into the final 1/3 ascent & it looks like it's gonna be a mother.

On one of the steep, up, rest stops you do wonder what have I got myself into. It is that grueling in places. I just had to revert back to the heart and attitude of a 21 year old US Marine Platoon Sgt. Cowboy up, gear up. I had to reach down into the Marine mentality; see the hill, take the hill. Let;s make this assault happen. Let's go; let's get this done. Quit griping and let's go! Move out! Lead the way. I am thankful that I didn't have 60+ lbs of gear on a 160 lb frame doing this like 47 years ago.

Place every step strategically for safety. This is not where you want a sprained ankle, or fall.

Beginning of the fog now. Wind has been 20+, gusts to 40. ... cool, damp NOrth Sea air. Some sweat but the air , wind is cool.

It's a full trek now. The energy drain is open.

A stop for a half samich to replenish some burned off energy. I searched for the amount of calorie burn it takes to climb this. My guesstimate is somewhere around 10k to 12,000 calories. 
?Some type of mountain shelter? Roof has blown off. I'm sure there are time where the wind goes up to 75+ up here. Storm Hannah just came through northern Ireland a few days ago when we were in Ballyvaughan.

The top 1/4 is shrouded in fog. Clew Bay IS the North Atlantic Ocean. Wind 25 to 40. cold damp and your still sweating from the climb energy burning. 

Shrouded in fog.

I made it!!! After a lifetime of journey... the top of Croagh patrick!
Another half samich at the top and can walk around on the somewhat flat top. It's rocky up here too so careful where you step on loose rocks.

There are some pilgrims that climb this barefoot; I don't see how they do this without injuring / shredding their feet. I cringe when I step on a small gravel rock in the driveway.

?Was it worth it? You will have to make your own decision. After a lifetime of journey the view from the edge suited me fine. I'm glad to have been able to physically do this at age 106, and experience the accomplishment and view from the top of Croagh Patrick; Ireland's Holy Mountain. 

Most was in the fog of the cold north Atlantic wind, 25+, Viz about 1/4 mile... on top for a few brief minutes the fog lifted and you could see Clew bay. This was a good day!

You never drink twice from the same stream. 

Just because you wander doesn't mean you're lost. 

Uncle Hargus: Last of the Independents  

Have Bear,    
          Will Travel 

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved