Monday, December 18, 2023

Monkey Wagon


Monkey Wagon

Monkey Wagon

This small RV did the job w/ outstanding colors. Buddy,... She carried the freight!!!
It's a "Sportsmobile". The company that makes these custom Rvs have 3 locations in the US. It's a 2001 Dodge 3500 van. ... a 1 ton frame/ chassis that has been custom fitted for RV / outdoor camping/ travel.

It's a neat "small" RV. I say small because I see the big Bus looking things all over the place. And those are fine if you have the $$ to plop down. This one went EVERY place the big$$ ones went. ... and a LOT of places they could NOT go/ fit/ ride on rough back roads that were just about 4WD roads.

I called it The Monkey Wagon. Every square inch had a purpose/ storage ability... kinda like a submarine. Not any extra space. Every place accounted for. and often had to move something, ... a seat, a bag, ect... to get to something you needed. & often were all over it like a Monkey. So it became the Monkey wagon for me.

!!! You do NOT need an rv to get out here and see these great places!!! I saw many young kids in their car w/ a tent... and they did fine and saw all the great places. The important thing is to get out there, ... you don't need the big luxury stuff... you can do this!

This small RV did the job w/ outstanding... flying colors. It came through like a champ; a real trooper. Went 12,000 miles w/o any mechanical problems. Changed the oil at 3k to 3,500 miles. Had a flat tire on the LAST day of the trip / journey coming out of Memphis ... almost home to Birmingham.

I cannot fathom the grit that the pioneers had to cross this continent in covered wagons. I stand in their awe.

Monkey Wagon

This small RV did the job w/ outstanding colors
It's a "Sportsmobile". The company that makes these custom Rvs have 3 locations in the US. It's a 2001 Dodge 3500 van. ... a 1 ton frame/ chassis that has been custom fitted for RV / outdoor camping/ travel.

It's a neat "small" RV. I say small because I see the big Bus looking things all over the place. And those are fine if you have the $$ to plop down. This one went EVERY place the big$$ ones went. ... and a LOT of places they could NOT go/ fit/ ride on rough back roads that were just about 4WD roads.

I called it The Monkey Wagon. Every square inch had a purpose/ storage ability... kinda like a submarine. Not any extra space. Every place accounted for. and often had to move something, ... a seat, a bag, ect... to get to something you needed. & often were all over it like a Monkey. So it became the Monkey wagon for me.

!!! You do NOT need an rv to get out here and see these great places!!! I saw many young kids in their car w/ a tent... and they did fine and saw all the great places. The important thing is to get out there, ... you don't need the big luxury stuff... you can do this!

This small RV did the job w/ outstanding... flying colors. It came through like a champ; a real trooper. Went 12,000 miles w/o any mechanical problems. Changed the oil at 3k to 3,500 miles. Had a flat tire on the LAST day of the trip / journey coming out of Memphis ... almost home to Birmingham.

I cannot fathom the grit that the pioneers had to cross this continent in covered wagons. I stand in ttheir awe.